Eaton Farm Champagne Tour 10-11 June 2023

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Eaton Farm Champagne Tour 10-11 June 2023
10 June 2023
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Poles on the Ground - One Round - Rosette for clear

Poles on the Ground - One Round - Rosette for clear

40cm - One Round - Rosette for clear

40cm - One Round - Rosette for clear

50cm - One Round - Rosette for clear

50cm - One Round - Rosette for clear

60cm - Competition with Jump-Off after next riders round.

60cm - Competition with Jump-Off after next riders round.

70cm - Competition with Jump-Off after next riders round

70cm - Competition with Jump-Off after next riders round

80cm - Competition in 2 Phases

80cm - Competition in 2 Phases

90cm - Competition in 2 Phases

90cm - Competition in 2 Phases

100cm - Competition in 2 Phases

100cm - Competition in 2 Phases

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